An exceptionally strong woman once said “Giving birth does not make you a mother.. Just as placing a child for adoption does not make you less of one.” Many people believe that adoption is a sign of a birth mother “giving up” but in reality, this is far from the truth.
There was a time when adoption meant making a painful decision without any promise of a positive outcome. Thankfully, we have came a long way since then and technology has evolved to make the adoption process safer than ever. Birth mothers in today’s world stay connected with their babies as they grow up with photos, letters and sometimes even visits and phone calls. They get to see first hand how their child is doing and most importantly, they can make sure that their child is with a family that loves them.
We spoke with Jason and Cindy; a couple who recently went through the adoption process, after finding out that they were expecting a fourth child. Watch the video below to learn what they had to say about the process and what it’s like to choose adoption.
These incredible women are not giving their child up; their choosing to give their baby more — more love, more family and more opportunities. They are making an extremely difficult choice so that their child can have a future filled with love and happiness. Birth mothers everywhere are beginning to realize that the true meaning of adoption is the ability to give an invaluable gift to both their child and to a loving family that wants nothing more than to raise a child with care and affection.
If you are not sure what the next step is, we are here answer any questions you may have. It doesn’t matter if your child is unborn or if you’ve already given birth, we are here to help you decide the best choice for your child.
Our staff is available 24/7 to offer free, confidential advice with no cost or obligation. Speak with one of our Adoption Specialists at any time by calling 1-866-659-7073 or by clicking here for a free information packet.
Nothing is more important than finding the perfect family for your child, because their future depends on it. Every birth mother has an image in their mind of what the parents of her baby will be like and Adopt Connect is here to make that vision a reality. All of our waiting families go through a detailed screening process before creating personal adoption profiles containing photos, videos and information about their lifestyle.